In the story, we have seen that friendship is an important part in growing up. Friends are becoming more and more important in the lives’ of Selam and Sara. Is that the same for you too?
Having good friends is important for your self-esteem as you can share secrets and ideas without being laughed at. Friends help you grow and play a supportive role in your life. But sometimes friends can also influence you negatively, or pressure you to do certain things. This is the case when Kiya pressures Selam to work in the Sisha bar. This is called peer-pressure.
Now think about your friendships in your daily life. You will learn to recognize good and supportive friendships, but also how to recognize unhealthy friendships.
Discuss with the whole group what the characteristics of good friendships are. Questions below can guide you in the discussion;
Extra time
In discussing this topic, you can also try to answer (some of the) following questions;
Now discuss with the group what characteristics of unhealthy friendships are. Questions below can guide you in the discussion;
Extra time
Try to think about (some of the) following questions;
Make a group of 4/5 people and prepare a 5 minute role play on
Take one characteristic of a positive friendship OR one characteristic of an unhealthy friendship you just discussed. Think of a situation where this happens.
Every group presents his role play to the other groups.
Give your impressions when a group finished presenting their role play. Also try to answer what elements of a positive or unhealthy friendship you found in the role play.
Extra time
Discuss with your peers how you can resist peer pressure or be assertive and defend yourself. When and how would you end an unhealthy friendship?