Lesson 02 Pregnancy for Boys And Girls

Debate on the options after unsafe sex in case of pregnancy.

Step 1.

Make groups of 3/4 people.

Step 2.

Every group teams up with another group. The two groups choose one of the options for unintended pregnancy;

  • Becoming a single mother
  • Becoming a single father
  • Becoming a father and a mother
  • Getting married
  • Placing the baby for adoption

Step 3.

Divide the two groups; One group will decide to advocate in favor of the option, while the other group will advocate against the option. This is an exercise to understand two perspectives of a decision and does not reflect your own opinion. Instead, you have to try to imagine someone else’s opinion and advocate for their SRHR needs.

Step 4.

Work 5 minutes in your own group and list the advantages and the disadvantages of the option your group chose.

Step 5.

Both groups come together and exchange their ideas about advantages and disadvantages of the option.

Step 6.

Now think with both groups about your environment. Are the arguments you brought up for each option influenced by people around you? Do culture and social norms have an influence on your decisions?

Extra time

Step 7.

Discuss with your group the decision making process of the options after unintended pregnancy. Who needs to be involved in the decision?

Sometimes girls decide to have an abortion to end the pregnancy prematurely. They might do this out of fear or shame, or because they feel they are not ready to have a baby. However, getting an abortion should be the last option, and is not something to go over easily. Abortions should only be done by professional doctors, because unsafe abortions bring the life and health of girls and women in danger. In Ethiopia it is illegal to have an abortion, but there are a few situations in which abortion is allowed;

  • When the unwanted pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. In that case, the woman’s testimony is enough to justify the abortion.
  • When the life of the woman and the fetus are in danger.
    For women with mental or physical disabilities.
  • For girls younger than 18, who are physically or psychologically not ready to raise a child.

But with the knowledge you gained in this lesson on contraceptives, you will be able to prevent pregnancy and… abortion!